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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Which cities pay more for climatic changes

If sea levels rose just 16 inches (40 centimeters) by 2050, the flood damage in port cities could cost a trillion dollars a year.Explore this map to see which cities in the world are most vulnerable—and which stand to gain or lose the most cash.
This study conducted by National Geographic Magazine. Following map shows economic lose of major cities across the world.It is supposed that cities will continue to build protective constructions which grab lot of money from governments or people's pockets.

1- Lowland coastal cities will suffer more
2- South and Southeastern part of Asia will suffer highest lose, financially and physically. Most of this area have a very low elevation from the adjacent ocean.
3-Most vulnerable areas are populous areas with lots of economic activities.
4- Eastern part of the USA (from New York to Miami) has the highest concentration of people, industries and big modern ports which serves not only the US but also rest of the world.
5- Africa and Australia as old and elevated continents show less damage comparing to other continents.One exemption is low land of Nile delta which hosted Alexandria and Port Said (elevation 5m and 3m respectively).

Source: National Geographic Magazine