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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Muskoka Lake

The gorgeous area of Muskoka , 250 Km  north of Toronto is well known for its lakes, rivers and forests. The area which was covered by 2 km ice sheet during the last glacial age 20000 years ago now is source of crystal clear springs, hundreds of lakes and falls . The Canada shield which includes oldest and hardest rocks on earth is located in this area. Muskoka lake is the largest lake in the area which covers 120 km2 (46 sq mi) surrounded by many cottages. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Park and a City


Sunnybrook is not just a park in a city. It is a hub of lots of activities during all seasons.  A stable with a training field, bike trails,bike roads, dog parks, bbq areas, restauran, cricket fields are among the those activities. It is located at heart of Toronto. At the intersection of Eglinton west and Leslie this park makes the biggest park along Don river valley. Sunnybrook in autumn is so beautiful and attracts many people from across the city. This park is also connects to Toronto Botanical Edward garden through a beautiful creed.
Here some pictures of gorgeous landscape of the park during fall of 2015.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

More than just Thousand Islands

The Thousand Islands located between the USA and Canada between province of Ontario in Canada and the state of New York in the U.S. Almost 20,000 years ago a huge glacial sheet which was dominant for a million years starts to melt and finally goes back to its current location in  north pole. Releasing a huge amount of water results in creation of thousand of rivers, lakes and islands.It is known as Thousand Islands but they are not one thousand islands, they are more. It constitute an archipelago of 1,864 islands that straddles the south east border of Canada with the U.S. in the Saint Lawrence River as it emerges from the northeast corner of Lake Ontario.

The 1,864 islands range in size from over 40 square miles (100 km2) to smaller islands occupied by a single residence, or uninhabited outcroppings of rocks that are only home to migratory waterfowl. To count as one of the Thousand Islands, emergent land within the river channel must have at least one square foot (0.093 m2) of land above water level year-round, and support at least two living trees.

As magnificent Saint-Lawrence River pushes its way to Atlantic ocean, it goes through a lots of  rocky islands.Its width reaches to several kilometers in some points which makes it a significant water way for commercial or leisure purposes. Following pictures show some of the islands and the surrounding areas during a lot day at the end of summer.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Algonquin park , A colorful view in fall

Algonquin park one of the largest provincial parks in Ontario Canada, creates a colorful landscapes during fall. Here you see my recent trip to this beautiful natural park. It is located about 300 kilometers north of Toronto in Muskoka region. In spite of its cold snowy winter it has a pleasant mild weather during summer and fall seasons. Trees are mixture of evergreen and deciduous "falling off at maturity" leaves which gives photographers a colorful scene everywhere.The soil is rich of glacial fluvial nutrients which support growth of varieties of plants.The land is covered by a large numbers of lakes in different sizes.You also may find many past glacial forms and landscapes as well as a meteorite crater in this area. Just remember you are walking on one of the oldest rocks on earth.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Which cities pay more for climatic changes

If sea levels rose just 16 inches (40 centimeters) by 2050, the flood damage in port cities could cost a trillion dollars a year.Explore this map to see which cities in the world are most vulnerable—and which stand to gain or lose the most cash.
This study conducted by National Geographic Magazine. Following map shows economic lose of major cities across the world.It is supposed that cities will continue to build protective constructions which grab lot of money from governments or people's pockets.

1- Lowland coastal cities will suffer more
2- South and Southeastern part of Asia will suffer highest lose, financially and physically. Most of this area have a very low elevation from the adjacent ocean.
3-Most vulnerable areas are populous areas with lots of economic activities.
4- Eastern part of the USA (from New York to Miami) has the highest concentration of people, industries and big modern ports which serves not only the US but also rest of the world.
5- Africa and Australia as old and elevated continents show less damage comparing to other continents.One exemption is low land of Nile delta which hosted Alexandria and Port Said (elevation 5m and 3m respectively).

Source: National Geographic Magazine

Monday, January 26, 2015

A Monster Snow Storm Hits The U.S

Current cloud system in North America NOAA, Earth Google

While here in Canada (January 26, 2015) a very cold and high pressure system has predominated       (temperature  minus 12 to 14 Celsius in southern Ontario), our coastal neighborhood experiencing a very severe snow storm with high winds. It is expected that 30 to 90 centimeter of snow will fall on Northeastern territory of the U.S. Worm and moist air of Atlantic ocean plays a major role in severeness of snow.Wind speed depends of closeness and strength of high and low air pressure. Closer and higher difference between these two pressures systems result in winds to pick up their speed in direction of low pressure.Strong low pressure has been formed in Atlantic coastal area of the United States. At the same time a high pressure hanging around eastern part of Canada not too far from Atlantic ocean.This high pressure sending strong wind to the north east of the US, where a very low system is waiting to attracts wind and moisture to form a windy, cloudy sky. Winds blow toward the center of low pressure. As a result, wind from Atlantic ocean hits the coastal areas while trying to spin around the low pressure center.
Courtesy of  Weather-forecast
Collision between two system lowers the temperature while increasing the relative humidity. A cold air mass that reached to a saturation point will precipitate in form of rain or snow. In the northeast scenario very cold weather forms snow blizzards which might be reached to a historical record. we have to waite and see what the sky has in its store for us.