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Sunday, October 11, 2015

More than just Thousand Islands

The Thousand Islands located between the USA and Canada between province of Ontario in Canada and the state of New York in the U.S. Almost 20,000 years ago a huge glacial sheet which was dominant for a million years starts to melt and finally goes back to its current location in  north pole. Releasing a huge amount of water results in creation of thousand of rivers, lakes and islands.It is known as Thousand Islands but they are not one thousand islands, they are more. It constitute an archipelago of 1,864 islands that straddles the south east border of Canada with the U.S. in the Saint Lawrence River as it emerges from the northeast corner of Lake Ontario.

The 1,864 islands range in size from over 40 square miles (100 km2) to smaller islands occupied by a single residence, or uninhabited outcroppings of rocks that are only home to migratory waterfowl. To count as one of the Thousand Islands, emergent land within the river channel must have at least one square foot (0.093 m2) of land above water level year-round, and support at least two living trees.

As magnificent Saint-Lawrence River pushes its way to Atlantic ocean, it goes through a lots of  rocky islands.Its width reaches to several kilometers in some points which makes it a significant water way for commercial or leisure purposes. Following pictures show some of the islands and the surrounding areas during a lot day at the end of summer.

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