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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Only one Earth

Earth Day is around the corner. April 22 is approaching fast. In this image from ISS 450 km above the earth surface, the cities glowing in a blue background. It also shows that cities grow at a rate that might be mistaken for a sky full of stars and galaxies( earth is up and sky is down).More crowded cities means more pollution and more need for a proper management.One study shows that nearest Earth-like planets could be 13 light-years away.Recent discovery which released April 18 2013 revealed that outside of our solar system in a land far far away, we may find three earth-like planets . But to reach one of it (Kepler 62e) you need to travel 1200 years in speed of light. It means with current technology we have to stick to our blue-green planet to survive.For how long we can exhaust the earth resources without thinking about this fact that it is only one planet called Earth?
The following video clip filmed last year but it is still true in most big cities.

Toronto and Garbage problem

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