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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Geography of Silence

Geography talks about locations and their relationship. Cities are always centre of attention of Geographers . A big city has lots of activities with people going from places to places. In this regard, industrial, social activities, multicultural people and finally roads and communications come to everybody's attention. That,s why we call big cities metropolitan. However, at least at two moments cities are less active and are subdued to mother nature and people realize their surrounding areas has changed, early in the morning and sunset.Silence in the morning heralds lots of noises which comes after this. Sunset in return follows by cool down in the activities and getting ready for more relaxation. I used geography of silence which is more true with smaller cities and surrounding areas but when it comes to bigger cities geography of night is more appropriate, which points to city activities at night and distribution of activities. Following pictures shows Toronto at those moments.

                               An early morning in Toronto

Toronto Sunset and Night 

                                                       A quite Don Valley Parkway

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