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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Man Survived falling over Falls

Man Survived falling over falls

NEWS: "A man survived a 50- metre plunge over Niagara Falls on Monday.,becoming only the third person known to have gone over without a safety device and live". May 21 2012

He is a lucky man.Apparently he did it intentionally and nothing life threatening  happened to him.But many people are not that lucky.
The fall (horseshoe fall or Canada side fall) is 53 metres (174 ft) high, has an average crest elevation of 152 metres (499 ft) and faces northwards. The depth of the river at the base of the falls, estimated at 56 metres (184 ft), is actually higher than the fall itself.There are only 15 people who tried to go over the falls in some version of a barrel. Eight tight rope walkers made their way across the falls. Two people swam over the falls. Two daredevils flew a plane under the bridge and another jumped off a diving board.
I took the following pictures last year ( Summer 2011).The pictures shows front and behind the Horseshoe Falls which almost show the location of the man who jumped over the falls.

Here are some more information from the tunnels wall behind the falls:

To have some idea of the falls power and amount of water which passing over the falls each second check this video and following link:

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